Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The reality of the courts

Forget about Denny Crane and Alan Shore...in South Africa we have a whole different legal system.
The group had an introduction to court reporting and spent the past two days at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court. We were shocked at the level of order or lack thereof. For example, we got to the information service to look at the times in which the court cases begin but we were shocked to learn how long they took to begin.
A couple of the court cases would actually commence an hour later than scheduled. postponed. Even more shocking to learn was that the very same cases we would be waiting for would be moved to a later date. Most of them would be moved to March (Lerato had one that was moved to June).
There is alot of sloppy police work, negligent prosecutors and lazy attorneys who have not filled in affidavits.
At the end of the day, our legal system is nothing like what we see on TV. The different groups that we set ourselves up into had to move from one court to another. This is because the hearing we went to would take hours to begin and we would constantly be checking when they start.!We are calling for the restructuring of our legal system.

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